AboutWe Strengthen
Healthcare Revenue

We help reduce your denials and maximize revenue earn

Bolster Healthcare Solutions is our branded service offering focusing specifically on Healthcare Process Outsourcing Services. Our primary service lines are in providing Outsourced Professional Medical Billing Services and RCM services to our healthcare customers. We have offices and staff in the US and also in Bangalore, India. We follow strict guidelines and recommended practices as defined by different regulatory agencies in the US Healthcare ecosystem and are HIPAA compliant.

We are committed to provide accurate, timely, reliable and cost effective medical billing, coding and RCM services. Our highly trained and experienced billing staff serves as an extension of your office. We have a deep customer focus approach and focus on delivering outcomes and experiences. We offer Medical billing services and Revenue Cycle Management services.

Projects completed for our respected clients.
30 +
Experienced professionals serving to clients.
20 +
Years experience in business & consulting.
10 +
Business & consulting awards won over world.